Do you often struggle to decide on an outfit each morning? If you get stressed when you look in the wardrobe then you might want to think about a redesign, which could make a big difference to your entire life and make your mornings much less stressful.
Clear Out the Wardrobe
As you might expect, the first step to take is to take absolutely everything out of the wardrobe. You then need to go through each item and create a pile of items that you still wear – the rest can be donated, recycled, sold or passed on. People can get sentimental and attracted to clothing, but you should only keep hold of clothes that you actually wear if you want to create the perfect ward-robe.
Define Your Style
It is much easier to build and maintain a wardrobe when you know what your own personal style is. This will stop you from filling up the wardrobe with items which you will not end up wearing. As explained here by Amber, author of, “you’d think the more choice you have, the easier it would be to find something to wear, but I actually find the reverse can be true”.
Shop Smartly
Changing your clothes shopping habits is also important for having the perfect wardrobe. You should only buy items that you truly love and carefully consider every purchase, plus it is important to shop for your everyday life – there is no point in buying lavish, smart clothing if you do not attend events where this style would be worn.
Invest In The Essentials
The foundation of every wardrobe should be a few key essential items. You can then create multiple outfits out of these items and have a few additional items to mix it up and keep things interesting. Quality over quantity is the key to success here so you should always make sure that you are buying high-quality items.
One In, One Out
Once you have a wardrobe with the essentials, you should then adopt a “one in, one out” rule where you throw something out every time that you buy some-thing new. This is a great way to avoid the wardrobe becoming too full and chaotic so that it will be easier to choose an outfit each day.
Keep Bedroom Clutter-Free
It is also important that you keep your bedroom organized and free from clut-ter. This is because a cluttered bedroom can create stress and make it much harder to get ready each morning, knocking items off your bedside table isn’t going to start your day off well. Perhaps look at different storage ideas too, while you’re in the zone.
Follow these tips to create your perfect wardrobe and fall in love with getting ready for each day.