This season for taking a holiday is finally here and like most, you are probably tempted to lay back and eat, drink, and slack off as much as you want. It’s perfectly normal to feel that way, but we are here to remind you that you might actually be able to make the most of your vacation if you follow a few tips that will help you stay fit all the time. Relaxing doesn’t necessarily mean doing nothing and the healthier you stay — both mentally and physically — the bigger the odds are that you will be able to fully enjoy your time off and then jump back to your normal routine feeling energetic and revitalized.
Many people tend to relate fitness to diets and exercise, but they are, in fact, wrong. First of all, fitness literally refers to “the condition of being physically fit and healthy”. This doesn’t necessarily leave out the mental aspect because, in order to be physically well, we must also keep our minds in shape. This means that it’s recommended to train our brains often, either by learning a new challenging mental sport, reading, working on our memory, or even resting, which is often neglected despite how important it is in order for our overall bodily (and emotional) functions to work at their best.
Physical and mental fitness go hand-in-hand. When you exercise, either by doing high or low impact routines, you lower your insulin resistance, stimulate the release of growth factors, and reduce stress, as well as improve your mood. And this sounds ideal for the holiday, doesn’t it? So, try to fit in some exercise during your trip, either by walking on the beach for an hour at least three times a week, going for a run, doing yoga at sunrise, or swimming in some paradise island’s resort pool or sea. You’ll soon see that not only will you feel healthier the more you rest and relax, you’ll also make most of your summer holiday.
In spite of being tempted, you should also consider neglecting those cool cocktails and foods high in saturated fats while on your break because the food you ingest will have a direct effect on how you feel. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have a couple of drinks or eat some fried calamari during your holiday, but it is much wiser to stick to natural options and enjoy all the fresh fruit, vegetables, and fish that are seasonably available during these warm months. You should also remember to keep hydrated at all times, as your skin (your body’s largest organ) and the rest of you for that matter will certainly feel much better, especially if you’re traveling to places with high temperatures or if you plan to be exposed to the sun during the day.
Remember that you can fully enjoy your vacation and feel strong and vital by eating healthy meals, drinking lots of water, resting, engaging in moderate physical and mental exercise, and if you’re into it, meditating. Trust us: holidays can be the best time to reload, pamper, and look after yourself so that when the summer ends, you can continue on a healthy track that will bring you nothing but benefits.