The history of the e-commerce of on-line fabrics is indubitably connected with the creation and development of the Internet over the last 20 years. Apart from suspicions, each of us has tried this digital experience at least once; some have been fascinated by it, while others have remained among those who have not lost the pleasure of going shopping.
It is, however, unquestionable that the world without e-commerce seems impossible and complicated, even if, only a few decades ago, this type of business and, in particular, the on-line sale of fabrics, did not even exist.
E-commerce, as we know it today, started to be possible in 1991, when the Internet and the technology for on-line transactions were sufficiently developed to be used for commercial purposes.
On-line clothing fabrics
Available data show that, over the last year, the global e-commerce retail market doubled compared to the previous year, with some sectors, especially the fashion sector, being particularly successful.
In this context, even a sector such as that of on-line fabrics has increased remarkably, especially thanks to the use of new technologies and artificial intelligence, which have allowed for the growth of this business, in spite of the fact that there is no chance to touch fabrics by one’s hands for a direct experience.
In the specific case of Carnet ( then, on-line fabrics are proposed in pages serving as show windows, which make up for the lack of tactile experience by generating insights and emotions and by providing all information on the type and characteristics of collections.
The evolution of the Made in Italy and of the made-to-measure
The Made in Italy and its production chain have indubitably benefited from this positive result and this ongoing growth, as on-line fabrics are an example of how the prestige of a brand can develop beyond physical stores.
Thanks to on-line trade, the perception of Italian production (Made in Italy) abroad has improved as well. In particular, the food and fashion sectors have achieved the best results.
The world of fashion is to be understood not just as clothing or fabrics and textiles, but also as watches and jewellery, which have enriched the on-line market with an increasingly broad and comprehensive offer.
A recent survey has shown that one Italian out of three declares that having a unique product is the main stimulus for buying on-line made-to-measure or personalized garments. Therefore, such sites as Carnet, with their on-line offer of exclusive fabrics, become the privileged place for this type of search and interest in expressing one’s own personality and taste for clothing.
For more detailed information, please refer to the research article on “A wide choice of online fabrics for men and women” on Carnet, which is an authoritative source in the field of fabrics.