When thinking about your finances and budget nowadays, personal items need to be factored into the equation, too. Are you spending too much? Or too little? What about your savings?
The trend of shopping for clothes on any boutique online is basically the norm, and consumers can’t help but wonder if they are spending more or less money compared to before. Do you ever find yourself hesitating to check out because of really high shipping fees? Or do you stop yourself from buying from new collections, waiting for prices to drop during end of season sales instead? Even if you just want to get a better look on how much women spend for clothes, we’ll give you the rundown of the basics you need.
First off, there are many types of clothing boutiques – and the prices come in a range, too. Designer and luxury brands are more expensive, with items that cost from a few hundred US dollars up to the thousands. If you want to splurge on a designer item to keep for life, these are definitely worth it. You are guaranteed that what you own comes from the best and most experienced designers in the industry! The work and skill it took to create just one luxury item is almost unbelievable, and it is always unique, so we understand why it costs so much. Items can range from accessories like bags and sunnies, to dresses, coats, leather skirts, bikinis, blazers, and many more. Women generally spend at least a few hundred US dollars when shopping in a luxury boutique online or in-store.
Similar to luxury brands are the special retail designer brands. Usually they only zone in on a few pieces like lingerie or swimwear! Since they are hand-picked and specially designed, they cost about 75 US dollars per piece. This might be expensive for some but keep in mind that these are unique designer items, with high-quality fabrics, and they only come in a limited edition. The same goes for vintage shops wherein owners take the best and quality pieces, refurnish them, and sell them to vintage enthusiasts.
Then we have the fast fashion brands, with exciting but generic collections that capture the trendiest styles in the market. Fast fashion brands are made to appeal to everyone and they really want you to buy a lot in one go! Usually they design their collections to make you want to buy a whole outfit, from a hat, to accessories, even your bag and shoes. What makes these brands awesome is how affordable they are, with pieces as cheap as 4 US dollars during sales and 12 US dollars when regularly priced. So it really depends on how many items you buy, but typically one shopping session with fast fashion brands will cost you about 80 US dollars.
It really varies depending on where you shop and what your budget is! But we hope this gave you a realistic picture of what it’s like to spend on any women’s clothing boutique online.