Your feet have to be tough; they are the foundation of good health and keeping them healthy and pain free is key to staying active. If your feet hurt, or if they just get tired during the day, it may to be time to see a professional.
The base of your big toe can develop a painful bump called a bunion. Over time, this can lead to the big toe facing out instead of forward. While bunions aren’t necessarily painful, they can be an indicator of weakened feet, and can cause pain when performing certain exercises, such as planks or push-ups. Inserts, splints and surgery can correct bunions.
Calluses and Corns
Both of these patches of thick, dead skin are actually protective choices by the body to fight against the pressure of shoes or because of your stride or walking pattern. Once these growths get thick enough, however, they can be quite painful. The professionals at Stride Podiatry Hampton can help you trim away this dead skin, or help you find a medication that can safely dissolve calluses.
Foot fungus can attack your toenails as well as your skin. Athlete’s foot can be picked up from shared surfaces and will grow inside your shoes, causing a burning itch and even blisters. Toenail fungus can change the nature of the nail and make them very hard to cut. Creams to fight the fungus and oral medications can all help, as can increasing airflow.
Ingrown Toenails
This condition is actually fairly easy to avoid and incredibly painful if you suffer from it. With an ingrown toenail, the nail will grow not past the end of the flesh of the toe but down into the skin. If the toe box on your shoe doesn’t allow enough space for you to wiggle your toes a bit, you may be headed for an ingrown nail. Try to cut your toenails straight across when they’re wet from the bath. Don’t cut them too short; this sets the stage for the edge of the nail to burrow into the skin. If you get one, wash your feet with an antibacterial soap and dry them thoroughly. If you can’t insert a bit of cotton under the nail to separate it from the skin, see a podiatrist for nail removal. This infection can turn nasty, so don’t wait.
Plantar Fasciitis
The plantar fascia is the ligament on the bottom of your foot. When this ligament becomes inflamed, stepping down can become very painful. Both obese people and runners can suffer from this condition. To get relief, stretching the calf can help. You can also stretch the bottom of the foot by rolling it over an empty wine bottle. Finally, try freezing a plastic water bottle and fighting the inflammation by rolling your foot over the cold bottle.
Discuss any pain you have with your doctor to see if you need to see a podiatrist. In addition, if you suffer from diabetes, carefully monitor the condition of your feet on a daily basis and get them checked regularly by a profesional.