As most people know, there are all sorts of buzzwords in business. One of the most recent, and potentially overused nowadays, comes in the form of personal branding.
The theory of it is simple; companies sometimes spend billions attempting to perfect their brand and make others buy into it. When it comes to personal branding, this is all about investing into your own image. In both the workplace and your personal life, it’s understood that this can make a monumental difference.
However, are you born with a brand that cannot change, or is there scope to change it? As today’s article will reveal, there are several ways in which you can change it for the better.
Your fashion choices are crucial
Some of you might not like this first point, but the way in which you look is key to how you are perceived from a personal branding perspective.
Naturally, your fashion choices flow straight into this. It goes without saying that if you wander down the street with battered old trainers, the effect is going to be completely different to if you were donning classy zipped Chelsea boots.
Sure, you might not have the best fashion sense in the world, but as long as you keep refreshing your wardrobe, buying clothes that fit and just sticking to basic fashion rules – you won’t go far wrong.
The same rules apply with your beauty regime
Following on from the last point, the same rules apply with your beauty regime. If you take care with your regime, your skin and general appearance is going to benefit and this is going to be resembled in your personal brand.
It can also come down to basic choices on a morning. For example, you might think that you are doing your personal branding no-end of favors when you douse yourself with perfume each day, but in reality, this approach stinks of “trying too hard”. Instead, nothing about your appearance should shout – it’s all about doing things in a subtle, but impressive, way.
Your communication counts for everything
Fortunately, it’s not always about how you look. There are other ways in which you are judged when it comes to your personal brand, and your communication is one of these.
Saying the right things and displaying the right body language are paramount to a positive personal brand. Particularly in relation to the latter, this is something that is often underestimated when in reality it counts for so much.
You can create more authentic communication with your audience using storytelling techniques and elements. A story with a reasonable goal is a critical part of brand identity and helps create an emotional connection with the audience. Attend storytelling training workshops to learn how to make your story and a strong connection with your followers.
Never stop feeding your knowledge
You might not be an extrovert who likes to grab the show, but if you can keep arming yourself with knowledge, you’ll watch your personal brand soar.
This is one of the easiest ways to gain personal branding respect. Your peers will buy into everything you say, and you’ll become the go-to person for whatever subject you invest in. Don’t just think that this is going to benefit you professionally either, knowledge can be powerful on a personal level as well.